Texting and Claims with Stephanie Behnke

Berkley Industrial Comp Season 5 Episode 65

In this episode, ADJUSTED welcomes Stephanie Behnke Solution Consulting Director with Hi Marley.  Stephanie discusses the Hi Marley platform and the benefits of texting capabilities for adjusters.

Season 5 is brought to you by Berkley Industrial Comp. This episode is hosted by Greg Hamlin and guest co-host  Suzanne McAuliffe Vice president of claims for Key Risk.

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Greg Hamlin:

Hello everybody and welcome to adjusted. I'm your host Greg Hanlon coming at you from beautiful Birmingham, Alabama and Berkeley industrial comp. And with me as co host for the day and first time co host is Suzanne McAuliffe vice president of claims with key risk. Susanna want you to introduce yourself a little bit? Where are you from Suzanne?

Suzanne McAuliffe:

Well, I'm currently in Fort Mill, South Carolina, originally from Syracuse, New York. So you'll probably notice the accent that is not southern. But I'm lucky rest for 12 years now. And love doing workers comp. I'm excited to be here for my very first co host experience.

Greg Hamlin:

I'm excited to have Suzanne here. She's awesome. So if you haven't met her, now's your chance. But Suzanne was real interesting. We bumped into each other as we worked for fellow Berkeley companies a while back. And one of the things that was funny in that as I told a few people like Suzanne really thinks the way I think like she's definitely my kind of person. And then later on, the manager who train me who works for another carrier hadn't reached some kind of milestone, and I saw Suzanne posted on LinkedIn. Hey, congratulations. And I was like, How in the world? Do you know her? And she's like, well, I trained her. And then I was like, Oh, it all came together. I only think the way do you because Suzanne, because of Suzanne, I just didn't know it. So

Suzanne McAuliffe:

we have a long history and didn't even know. That's right.

Greg Hamlin:

So we have a special guest today with us. Stephanie Behnke. They say your last name correctly? You did. Thank you. All right. She is the Director of solution Consulting at high Marley. And we're excited to have you with us, Stephanie.

Stephanie Behnke:

Thank you. I'm happy to be here.

Greg Hamlin:

Well, Stephanie, one of the things I always like to start with is finding out how people started out in the industry. And I'm guessing that when you were in kindergarten, and they had career day, that you showed up in a suit, ready to go and you're like, I am going to do insurance. That's what that's what it was right?

Stephanie Behnke:

Oh my gosh, it's like you were in my life at the time. You must miss Jacobs kindergarten class with me though. It's so funny, because I feel like I know one gentleman actually, who grew up wanting to be an insurance. I think the rest of us just sort of stumbled, right stumbled our way. And so I was actually in the Army. I was a diesel mechanic, and I was stationed at Fort Hood. And I called a girlfriend. I'm like, getting out of the army and a week trying to figure out what that next chapter looks like. Do you know anyone who's hiring and she was working for Mercury Insurance in California at the time, just like great company, you got to come here. So here I am. 35 years later, right? Looking back and going No, I never I didn't sign up for it. But I always tell people and now with you know, kind of college graduations on on the mind. I always tell people, if you're getting out of school, if you don't know what you want to do, take a look at me insurance company. Because I feel like in my career, I have had the luxury of being in underwriting in it. I've been a CIO, I've been in claims, innovation and strategy and an operations and there's so much in the industry to keep you engaged and excited. That's kind of a great place to just get started, get some experience under your belt, you're going to learn a lot. But I also feel like it helps route us and ground us and helps us find what we really want to do when we grow up.

Greg Hamlin:

That's awesome. I have a daughter that just graduated from high school and getting ready to go to college. So we're doing that whole thing of what do I want to do now? And she said, You know, I think she's been nervous, because she's like, Oh, I think I want to do nursing. And I said, You know what, start there, and then just see where it goes and be open. Because as you start to try new things, you'll never know what you might like. So I thought that was good advice. Stephanie.

Suzanne McAuliffe:

So Stephanie, how long have you been with high Marley?

Stephanie Behnke:

So bear with high Marley for just a little over a year. And I am in the solutions that I run the solutions consulting organization. And so we really introduced the product to customer so I work with the the growth in the sales teams just introduced the product and then my team also manages any pilots. So Suzanne, I know that your team piloted with Hi Marilee. And so it would be my organization that helped you do that. Can you tell us a little bit about home early and what it offers? Absolutely. So hi barley is a collaboration platform powered by SMS and and what that really means is that it's a communication platform that allows adjusters to communicate directly to customers, prospects, injured workers, and also collaborate with other folks in their organization. So the way that this works is say I'm an adjuster working on a worker's comp claim, and I need to bring in a nurse case manager so I can invite one of the nurse case managers in and win now when they're talking to the customer. It's all in one state single text thread. So the customer has just one conversation from the very beginning of their claim to the very end of the claim super seamless for them. A lot of times our customers struggle with it. I have a question. I don't know who to ask my nurse practitioner this way, ask somebody else that they just asked the question in that text thread, and then they can get the answer from anybody who's on that threat. So really helpful way of just bringing adjusters and injured workers

Suzanne McAuliffe:

together. That's awesome. Yeah, absolutely. I know that we definitely experienced the benefits of that through the pilot. And now through the act of integration into our claims department. It's been, it's been a wonderful transition for us for communications.

Stephanie Behnke:

Yeah, I don't think I realized how close adjusters and injured workers could get until I came to, you know, work here i Marley and I was looking at some of the data. And just the ability to, to bond with somebody to gain their trust. And that goes both ways, right. And then I see folks pouring out their, their hearts in how much they appreciated the support an adjuster gave them or how much they appreciate them coming alongside them and, and always, you know, believing that they were going to get back to work and they were going to get better. And it's just, it's just a wonderful thing to see and to listen to.

Greg Hamlin:

Yeah, I think the way we communicate has changed so much over the last I think I can think of you know, when I was a kid, and then now I have children, I have six kids. So my oldest is 18. And my youngest is one. So I'm experiencing all the forms, you can like baby sign language to adult children now. But one of the things that I can remember, you know, when I wanted to go to my friend's house, I picked up my phone and I called him I didn't have a cell phone. In junior high, I felt like it was pretty cool because I had a pager. And you know, people could page me and then I could go to a payphone and put a quarter and then call them back. And that that was pretty awesome. And it wasn't later until cell phones started taking off. Probably when I was in college, they were starting to become more mainstream. But I noticed with my kids, they don't, they haven't really done some of those same things, they're more likely to text each other. Like my daughter has a boyfriend right now. And I don't know if she's called him once. Like they taxed all the time, right. But they don't actually, like have phone conversations. You know, my wife, and I joke when she was a teenager, she used to call the Weather Channel. And then her friend would call the Weather Channel, like call it like, she'd be like, call the weather, I'm going to call the Weather Channel at 10 o'clock, then call me and I'll bring you into the phone doesn't ring. And we can have like a late night conversation anymore. Like, it's not that way, obviously with texting. So as you think about some of the ways technology is changing communication, what are some of the things you're seeing in industry that that are probably different than what we're used to?

Stephanie Behnke:

Yeah, I just I think the speed at which everything happens has been surprising. And I think for a lot of folks, you know, we again, I mentioned the relationship that you can really build over text. And I'm not sure that folks expected that to happen, right? That, that you could get close to somebody just by texting, and yet you can right you can build this, again, you build relationship build trust, which is so critical to our success, right in what we do every day. And you know, that moving very quickly. So so we know that from home wireless data, on average, customers are responding in two to three minutes to text messages. So when you think about a claim and moving a claim along think about how quickly you can get a response from an injured worker and then keep that claim moving. Right. So I think that was That is surprising for people. And then we know, you know, we've done a lot of studies, we have a lot of data around customer expectations and customer satisfaction. And the number one driver of customer satisfaction is actually the adjusters attitude, which is probably not terribly surprising for those of us who are in the industry. But the reality is again, you know, kind of personality come through in texting. And the answer is absolutely. Right. And again, I think those are those are a little bit surprising for folks sometimes.

Greg Hamlin:

I love that. And I think you know what you're hitting on, I think so important in that. Technology is like a tool that lets us do what we need to do and get where we want to go. But ultimately what you are hitting on it's the attitude of the person who's using the technology. So they really go together instead of being like separate concepts.

Stephanie Behnke:

Yeah, exactly. Right. It's just facilitating that human to human contact, but in our industry, like it always comes back down to the human connection.

Suzanne McAuliffe:

I love that. So I wouldn't just from my perspective, I just probably want to just add to that. It's just that's probably one of the best things that we've noticed with high Marley, the biggest pluses just that enhanced in prompt or more frequent communication. Because as you alluded to Stephanie is just the ability to have communication on an easy basis. And really, the texting is almost like a it's table stakes this day and age is hard. As how people are communicating, the high Marley has really eliminated that phone tag situation or the situation where an adjuster is trying to reach an injured worker and the voicemail messages fall or it's not set up yet this way, we can just send a text and say, Hey, I need to talk to you. And it's just helps us to move a claim forward faster, and ultimately resolve it at a quicker pace as well.

Stephanie Behnke:

Yeah, and you think about our workforce, we're all texting, right? We're all texting all day, every day in our personal lives. So even as we talk about the injured worker, even the adjusters are more comfortable and very comfortable in texting, right. And so, you know, again, it's just the technology is just facilitating that

Greg Hamlin:

you're spot on. And just as you were talking, Suzanne, I was thinking about my wife's parents now that we live further away, they'll come stay with us for a few weeks. And when they say, if somebody calls their cell phone, they like race across the room and answer it. Because that's like they grew up in a time when landlines for you, if you didn't answer it, there might not have even been an answering message. And so for me, if I see a phone number, and it comes up on myself, and it's not attached to somebody's name, I know, I'm not answering it. And, and I think we have that same problem with our injured workers is they see that phone number come across, and they're like, oh, I don't recognize that area code or don't recognize that person. So I'm not going to answer it. And meanwhile, we're missing an opportunity to connect. And if they knew that, we want to talk to him about how we could get them their benefits, or how we could get them to the right doctor, they probably pick up the phone, but they don't know that. And so texting kind of gives us another way to reach out and connect in a way that people are communicating. Now, I think you've talked about this a little bit, Stephanie, but I wanted you to talk a little bit more. I think when we think about technology, a lot of times we think of it as as cold computer without emotions, and then that makes people nervous. Sometimes when they think about customer focused industries like insurance, how does technology how can empathy coexist with technology? And I think you've hit on that a little bit. I would love for you to talk a little bit more about that.

Stephanie Behnke:

Yes, let me because I think that we, we used to assume those were two very separate entities, right? The current technologies is hardcore. And we're finding that even automated messages can be empathetic. So the very beginning if you start a conversation right after an IT worker has been injured at work, you can say I'm so sorry to hear about your accident, right? I'm so sorry to hear about your claim, I hope you're doing well or you know, and you do enter into the conversation. So even when we're creating templates, one of the things that the hyperlink product allows us we know that adjusters have similar conversations kind of over and over. So we can create templates around that, when we're doing that we're making sure those conversations are still a point of connection. So the conversation is still again, empathetic, I'm sorry that you experienced that. If I'm doing a follow up for an appointment. Hi, how did your appointment go? today? I hope it went well, you know, was the doctor able to clear it and return back to work, it can be just that friendly, and and really meant and heartfelt, and genuinely heartfelt, really sincere. And yet automated, because I would have asked you that same thing if I had reached out to you, personally manually, right. But I can do that through technology. And it makes my day a little bit faster and easier. And you get a great message that makes you feel good. Right? And that, again, it tears down that border between the human and the technology.

Greg Hamlin:

That's great. Yeah, it's

Suzanne McAuliffe:

Stephanie, can you talk a little bit about because like you mentioned before, the nurses can be involved in a text conversation, supervisors can as well. And hi, Marley also offers the ability for supervisors to run various reports. And one of those features that are highlighted in the texting communications is the sentiment of the tax. And I believe that Hi, Marley has the ability to kind of flag if something maybe somebody seems frustrated or upset about something. So the supervisor has the ability to maybe go in and look at that chat and see whether or not they're needing to interact with the injured worker. Yeah, absolutely.

Stephanie Behnke:

So So when I think about the evolution of the technology, I think we're just getting better at anticipating we're getting better at listening. And so one of the things that Hi, Marley offers in our platform is you're absolutely right, this sentiment analysis, this idea of how is it How's an injured worker feeling right now. And if they're getting frustrated, what we do is we put a little badge on that particular conversation, we pop it to the top of the adjusters inbox, also kind of helping them prioritize their day, you know, if you think about their voicemails, they don't know what they're walking into in a voicemail, and they may have to listen to five in a row, right? But with texting, you can see the conversation quickly. And then again, we have this artificial intelligence running in the background, prioritize it for them helps them understand that again, in this example, customers getting frustrated or maybe they're threatening a litigation attorney. We also have an AI model Oh, that identifies delays, unusual delays. And so to AI that sounds a little bit like, my doctor is rescheduled this appointment four times, or I've left three messages, you know, I can't get a response to my return to work question, I've left three messages. And if the AI detects any of that, again, it alerts the adjuster pops up to the top of their inbox for prioritization. And then you're right, Suzanne, anybody can go in a supervisor can go in and see you is Stephanie having maybe more of these difficult conversations in somebody else on the team? And is that the nature of those claims that she's been assigned? Really importantly, I think, you know, we knew adjusters were doing this on a daily basis, we knew they were overcoming this adversity every day on the phone, but we couldn't always, you know, hear how they were recovering from it. With text. One of the great things is that supervisors and managers can see exactly how they did that service recovery. So as an adjuster, so just a lot of great information on when injured workers upset, how am I coming alongside them and making them feel better, and getting them back on track on that treatment plan or whatever. And that's all visible in in texting. And so it's a great opportunity for supervisors to be able to call out just, you know, tremendous performance by adjusters again, and how they come alongside this injured workers and support them.

Greg Hamlin:

That's, that's huge Stephanie. And I think as we move forward into what I think we're, I mean, maybe this will change, but it seems like more and more, we're seeing people work from their homes, and they're not in the office. And so like when I became when I was an adjuster, I sat around people, and I learned so much by listening to their phone conversations. But that's happening less than less. So the opportunity to maybe even early identify some opportunities of you know, here's a coaching situation on when somebody's upset, maybe try this instead, next time and see how it goes, you know, where, when I was doing this, the person next to me probably would have rolled back and said, Hey, Greg, you're pretty bad mood right now, you might want to try that again. So I think we're missing that. And this is a neat opportunity to be able to see those and have other people help.

Stephanie Behnke:

Yep, I love it. So So one of the things when I'm showing folks, the platform, it's one of my favorite things to talk about is once you have insight into the kinds of conversations that are happening on the platform, then you can go in and again, you can highlight those and say, you know, here's the way that that Greg responded in a really empathetic, great way, and you still managed to the claim along so at a team meeting could bring up some of those examples, right? You're not often in somebody's voicemail or or recording those phone calls and going back and listening to them for training purposes. But you can do that on a really regular basis in the in the high Marley platform. And also, there's an ability within the platform, you can leave notes for each other. So let's say I'm a supervisor, and I'm taking a look at a conversation that's in flight, I can leave a note for the adjuster and say, hey, just a quick recommendation, or I have an observation I'd like to share with you. And they can do that all in the high Marley platform. And it just never has to leave the platform. So a lot of great tools available for supporting adjusters. And I think that that is what makes me the happiest in technology right now is that when I came into the industry, so many years ago, the technology that I generally built was around how do I process the policy faster? How do I get the clay? You know, how do I get details around a claim and it was very functional base. And I feel like now technology is getting us into a place where it really is back about the people? How am I supporting the adjuster? How am I supporting the injured worker. And there was a time when I came into the industry that often the software that I was designing, served one of those audiences, but it didn't serve the other. And so I maybe was making things easier for an adjuster at the cost of customer experience, or this was all about the customer. And you know, it kind of cyclical and so we were focusing maybe a lot on the customer at the time. But the adjuster had four or five hoops they had to jump through to make that happen. And I feel like technology today is serving both of those audiences. Well, so we're beginning we're getting faster, we're getting more accurate. But we're not doing that at the cost of people.

Greg Hamlin:

That's great. And I think that's really the next step. Because I think both those examples I've seen where you try to make something more customer friendly, and it becomes not very employee friendly, or you create something to to reduce the process time. But now the customer has to press three press nine polled say the right word, you know, to get transferred to the right place. So like the idea is great, but then the customer experience is bad. So I think you hit the nail on the head there. Suzanne, I'd like to kind of shift over to you. So my operating unit hasn't yet gone on this platform yet. We're in the next wave to go online and start to have this but your operating unit already has had some experience in this platform. And I wanted you just to talk a little bit about what your experience has been from maybe both at the adjuster level, and then maybe at the manager level and And what your what your experience is

Suzanne McAuliffe:

back? Yeah, so it's been a very positive experience the team, we had a pilot team of five adjusters to start, we had three operating units actually, that had participants in the pilot, the pilot participants loved it, they immediately found the advantages of faster communication, and some of the really great features in high Marley that just make their life easier. But again, getting to what we were just speaking about, also a great customer service benefit, right. So being able to communicate quickly and not having delays in information transferring back and forth. So super easy to use a platform, very user friendly, intuitive. We've had great response time to text being sent. So the back and forth is almost just like if you were using your phone, or people are responding promptly, information is getting transferred. It's been wonderful. We've had situations this is probably one of the highlights that we've seen was we actually got a claim settled, because we were able to tax the adjuster had injured worker she'd been trying to reach by phone and by email with no response. So she had sent me Iam and said, Hey, is it okay? If I discuss settlement via text? And it's like, well, let's try to call which is not responding to voicemail. So it's we just don't put any personal information in the text. So all she did was send a tax pay your claim is ready to resolve. Are you interested in talking about settlement, injured worker responds right away suggests I actually said great, I'm giving you a call right now, we got the claim settled visit that same afternoon, had we not had that texting capability, who knows, we probably would have still been chasing after the injured worker. So things like that there's a wonderful translation service feature in Hi, Marley, that is fantastic. You don't have to sit on the phone with a language line, the ability to schedule PACs out into the future has been a huge time saver for the clean professionals in this, again, you know claimed as a tough job, anybody who's done it knows it's busy time management is key organization's key. And this is a wonderful tool to help with those necessary skills in the claim adjusting world. From the supervisory supervisory standpoint, management standpoint, the reporting capabilities on primarily is great, we can see who's using it, how it's being used, the ability for a supervisor or another co worker to jump in on attacks in the event, somebody's out of the office. So there's no delay in communication. If somebody is in need of something, whether it's, you know, clarification on whether or not somebody's check is then sent? Or what time can you confirm what time my appointment is? It's just a it's been a wonderful benefit to to our injured workers as well as our clients and the adjusters. Have you

Greg Hamlin:

got me excited Suzanne, because we're working on a workout.

Suzanne McAuliffe:

I'm telling you, the feedback has been fantastic. I mean, it's just it's been people are pretty excited about

Greg Hamlin:

it. You know, our operating unit, our big push over the last couple of years has been to create an empathetic resolution model. And part of that is gaining cooperation with our injured workers. So we've looked at every avenue and this is one of the missing pieces we knew we needed to work on. So I'm definitely excited about that.

Suzanne McAuliffe:

And I guess I would probably be remiss if I didn't mention, you know, there's some cost savings potential with this, one of the biggest examples is probably the ability for us because media can be transferred back and forth. So getting a prescription card to an injured worker. So we ensure they get into network. So anybody in the claims world knows how important it is to to keep injured workers in that work this way they have it, it's on their phone, and they're able to get to the pharmacy and get scripts filled within that work.

Greg Hamlin:

That's fantastic. I'm at the point, I don't even have a wallet anymore. I just carry my phone and it has like a little compartment for a couple credit cards. So all of those health insurance things, their pictures, I don't have I'm not carrying that around anymore. So that's great. That's great news. Stephanie. So as you think about obviously in high Marley, you're working in technology. So you got your I would assume your company's thinking about the next challenges that you want to tackle or some of the areas that you're still working at to make even better. What are some of those challenges your companies working to solve through technology today?

Stephanie Behnke:

So we have a lot of years you listen to conversations, it's sort of the same questions kind of come up claims follow patterns, kind of predictable patterns. And so what I'm most excited about is really around how AI can come in and help sort of predict what's next. But for this type of claim, here are the the common questions that people have and give those answers to customers and injured workers before they ask them so you know, the adjusters are so busy answering phone calls and picking up voicemails have questions Very few of those questions are the first time and adjuster has ever heard that question, right? They get disabled all time. So how can technology again come alongside both the adjuster and the injured worker and give the injured worker the information that he or she needs at the time? They need it? Right? An AI will help us do that, you know, even in the in the existing sentiment models that we have today that I mentioned, you know, we we first wanted to understand what was frustrating injured workers. And as we observe that data, what we learned was that a lot of times, it's a question that's asked that doesn't get answered in a timely fashion. And that creates frustration. And that can lead to litigation and all kinds of additional expenses as well. And so the very next model we rolled out was, oh, there's a question waiting for you. So now in the platform, if an injured worker asks you a question, and it doesn't get answered within 30 minutes, just a little innocuous blue bar pops up and just let you know that there's a question waiting for you. So again, imagine you an adjuster today would have to go through all their voicemails listen to all the voicemail. And and now I can see online, a little blue line just tells me that there's a question that needs to be answered. So even if I'm just wrapping up my day, before I go to lunch, or Friday, before I take off for the weekend, I can quickly scan. Is anybody frustrated? Does anybody have a question I need to answer at the last minute before we all shut down kind of for the weekend. Again, just coming along and supporting both the adjuster and the injured worker and the more data that we have, the better that those AI models are going to get. Right? And the more accurate they're going to get. And instead of giving an injured worker, a 10 page document on kind of what to expect in the claim process, we can actually feed them real time information. Well, they just went to the doctor and got this message, then here's kind of a likely next question. They're going to ask me anticipate that and answer it. So that the adjuster is really doing that deep, meaningful work that we all know that they do and not worrying about sort of picking up messages.

Greg Hamlin:

Yeah, I think that's really big. You know, there's so many, like you said of those questions, like, where's my check, or very simple questions that come up all the time? I mean, we we joke about that one, because that's one of the more frequent ones that people want. But, you know, there are very simple answers that really, I think a good AI system could learn to anticipate. I'm not an expert on chat GBT. And I don't know a ton about it. But I've heard enough, because it's all over the media right now. So you know, I know that we're kind of thinking forward here, probably. But do you see any, any places where this may enter the insurance industry? And to the space? I think you kind of talked a little bit about it by by talking about AI?

Stephanie Behnke:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So. So we are already using chat GPD. And models like that right? To and again, anticipate needs to ask just the right question. So one of the products that primarily has is a conversational SQL. So if you can imagine, instead of a chatbot, that doesn't feel very human, right? having a conversation with AI that steals empathetic feels sounds empathetic. And I don't have to ask all the questions, because I asked a customer or an injured worker, just explain what happened. And once I know what happened, I'm pulling all of that unstructured data into structured fields. And now that just eliminated for additional questions. So the way that Suzanne answered my, you know, what happened? Explain to me what happened? Well, that just happen to answer, location and time a day and a description. And so now I no longer have to ask those questions. So just getting smarter, you know, AI continuing to feed that. And then also taking all of the data that we all sit on, and putting that back into the model so that they're constantly learning, right. And so the nature of claims and always evolves over time, but making sure that we stay on top of that evolution by pumping the data that we receive back into the models to just keep making them smarter and smarter.

Suzanne McAuliffe:

That's fantastic. And it's it's so important to where we are in this day and age because we are so reliant on technology and all that comes along with it. Is there anything currently is there an issue or solution out there that your company is currently looking into to solve and you're excited about to bring you into the future?

Stephanie Behnke:

But you know, what I really do get probably most excited about that. About AI is good. I feel like it is it's talked about a lot when we get really specific again, it can do things like I don't have to ask you five questions. Maybe I asked you again, one and I get all those answers that I needed, but the ability to anticipate, you know, claims are incredibly stressful and when you have lost time at work, and you can't do your job, the fear, the anxiety, the frustration, it comes out in these claims and it comes out sometimes at the adjuster and it can be very frustrating. So any technology that we can leverage to make the experience easier for that injured worker to make them feel safe to make them feel confident that we have their best interest in mind, and we are going to do everything we can to get them back to work on time. However, AI can get us in front of the customer, again, in a meaningful, empathetic way, I think is is what drives me every day. It's like, how do we make these experiences more lovable? It's Yohai, Marley's kind of tagline is making insurance more lovable, which seems like a very lofty goal. But I think we do that one conversation at a time. And I think we do that one injured worker at a time. And AI can help us predict what that injured worker is feeling. And again, predict where that next element sort of anxiety might be coming from. That's,

Greg Hamlin:

that's fantastic. Stephanie, you know, I talked about this a lot. And I'm sure Suzanne remembers this early on in the insurance, I think there was a lot of, and we're probably still have some of this, that use that. I call it the claims hammer technique. When they want to get something done, it's well, if you don't go do this, then I'm going to stop your check, or I'm going to cut you off or I'm going you know any number of different things. And having six children, I can tell you like if you use the hammer on your kids every time, it doesn't work very well, like a lot of times, Pat's on the back, they're important to you, you have to do all the different things. And if you want to, if you want to gain cooperation, and get where you want ahead, a lot of how you talk about making insurance more lovable, because there's definitely work to be done on that. And it shouldn't be a terrible experience. We're really there to help people have better lives, and be able to recover from something awful that happened. That's the whole point of it. So I love your message. One of the things that we're doing this year to wrap up the year, I always try to put good vibes in the universe, because I figure out what come back to me someday. So there's so much negativity out there. One of the things that I wanted to do this season is have each person share something they're grateful for as we wrap up the season, the episode and so Stephanie, I wanted you to share something you're grateful for today as we wrap things up, anything you want.

Stephanie Behnke:

Goodness, such such a such a list. Thank you for the question. By the way, what a great question. I'm gonna say I am most thankful for the culture at Hi, Marley. So I have worked in the industry. As I mentioned, for 35 years, I have never encountered a group of people that were more driven and more focused on a goal, right. And our goal is, is to make entrance level. But just the way that we listen to each other, the way that we raise concerns the way that we use candor to kind of cut to the chase and really get to any challenges that we encounter. I love that I'm so grateful for the company and for our leadership, because they promote this culture all the time. And I will tell you, after being in the industry, where we can be a little salty, salty claims adjuster or salty underwriter, like, we can be a little salty. And so I come from that that carrier background, and to come into a company where people like, so tell me what's bothering you about what I'm doing. It's like, are you serious? You're serious, aren't you? Well, let me tell you what I think we could do differently. Right? And, and what it made for what it meant for me was, I didn't want to come into a corporate culture and be that guy that's negative or that guy that's, and so it actually changed the way I approach my work every day and the way I interact with my colleagues. And, yeah, it was a really long answer, Greg, but I really couldn't be more grateful for the culture.

Greg Hamlin:

That's huge. And I've worked with a number of different employers, I'm sure Suzanne has to and working, we spent way too much time at work to be at a place that we're miserable, or that people aren't taking those extra steps. I think culture really does matter. And I think now in a world that is as competitive as it is in the insurance industry for talent. If you don't have good, great culture, someone else will, will take that person and be excited to have them on their teams. And then you'll be left with a bunch of yours that complain. So got it got to do the right stuff. So I love that. Well, I've really enjoyed having this discussion with you, Stephanie. I would just encourage any of our listeners, if you're interested in texting or how to get texting implemented into your platform, to reach out to hi Marley's team. I know that you guys do more than workers comp you're involved in all the different lines of insurance are quite a few anyway. So if you're listening to us thinking this is something that could work for me, I'm sure they can go over that with you. And we definitely appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to chat with us this afternoon.

Stephanie Behnke:

Thank you so much. It's been an absolute pleasure. So thank you for having me.

Greg Hamlin:

Thanks, Stephanie. I just remind all of our listeners to do right, think differently, and don't forget to care. And that's it for this week. Thanks, guys.